- noun; the deliberate lack of decoration or adornment in style or design
At its bare bones, minimalism is the practice of putting more focus into what we value most and the removal of anything that distracts us from this. It is a concept that can allow for you to feel freedom and to make way for a clear headspace. There is no set rules for minimalism - do whatever it takes for you to feel free from stress, anxiety and fear.
"Less is more."
How did I embrace Minimalism?
- Room - I cleaned out anything I couldn't find a purpose for now. I didn't ask myself "Will this be useful later?" because the answer was most likely 'No.'
- Wardrobe - I employed the concept of a Capsule wardrobe and I designed a uniform of sorts.
- Planner - Instead of a complex Filofax with coloured pens and washi tape, I now use a Bullet Journal. The Bullet Journal is an extremely flexible way of planning ahead and it's excellent for those who find more clarity in compiling lists.
- Makeup - I no longer have a whole slew of makeup and skincare products. I keep a basic range of products for my own personal use and will refill them as required.
How did I benefit from Minimalism?
- Less Stress - I suffer immensely when I feel stressed and/or anxious. Having a cluttered space to work in and a diary/journal that didn't work for me definitely contributed to the level of stress I felt.
- Clean Headspace - I felt my mind was clearer, and I could focus more on what was important.
- Focus on Quality - I've eliminated a lot of poor quality material items from my life (namely clothing and shoes) so I can really enjoy what I currently do own. There is nothing wrong with having luxury while embracing minimalism. The focus is to enjoy what you have and not to fill up your life with unnecessary material goods.
- Time - I've gained a lot of time due to not having to worry about what I'm wearing or what makeup to apply. I know whatever I pull out of my wardrobe will match, I don't have to worry about pairing certain colours.
- My Creative Energy is being channeled into my work which is where it should be going rather than on myself. I find that I can produced higher quality work when I'm not worried about other factors in my life.
Interesting Reads
Here are some reads that I've found helpful in my exploration of minimalism and in getting my life refocused.
- Why I Wear the Exact Same Thing to Work Everyday - Matilda Kahl for Harper's Bazaar
- Bullet Journal - by Ryder Carroll
- Lessons From Madame Chic - by Jennifer L. Scott
- The Project 333 - Dressing with 33 items or less in 3 months
- Effortless Beauty - Lisa Eldridge - Building a capsule makeup bag
- How to Streamline your Makeup - Private Life of a Girl
- How to Start a 5 Piece French Wardrobe - Afterdrk
Another resource I like to use for inspiration is Pinterest. You can find all sorts of pictures that may spark some inspiration.
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